Saturday, March 14, 2009

Little Cabin in the Woods......

So, I decided to take this time, while I'm bored out of my mind, to finally explain to my readers (existent or non, mostly non) about this cabin we've been hearing so much about. Around October, my grandpa (Duck. No, that is not a typo) decided that he was going to sell his land in east Texas. My mom asked him about it, and next thing you know, I'm spending every weekend for the rest of my life in a trailer, building a cabin.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dreams of the Young.....

So my seven-year-old sister wakes up this morning all frazzled and when my mom asks what happened she says that she had a dream....

Laura's Dream
as told by: me

Once upon a time, a father sent his daughters to Wal-Mart for two things. One was sold on the roof of the store. While the daughters were retrieving the item, the younger saw some balloons. When the older daughter reached out to grab them, she let go of her sister's hand, and the girl fell off the building.
The End

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I live in Texas, so it's been 80+ degrees for the past few days, but today, the day the foundation for our cabin was supposed to be poured (will explian later), it decided to be 40 and rainy. Now don't get me wrong, I thrive on cold, rainy weather. It's when I sleep best. But now, not only has the progress of the lake lot been delayed by a few days, but that now means that we probably won't be going down there this week end. I will keep you updated on how things turn out.

UPDATE: We're going Sun-Tue. Won't be posting then.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Moms And Other Stupid Things......

So I was on Yahoo Answers the other day, and saw this question. Thought I might Blog it:;_ylt=Apb_SUsIZ.Xdzh6PNu7pMjzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090310092827AALZlRD&show=7#profile-info-QJ17P0DOaa

Another thing: Craig's List. Both my parents have got addicted (especially my mom) to monotoring the e-bay alternitave ever since we bought a trailer from a seller's post (will explain why later). They have a "Free" section and here are some of the wacky things my mom has found:

-half a can of coffee

-used motor oil (this one especeially made me say "huh?")

-used cologne

-springs an scrap wood to build a crib

-free bees (you have to read this one:

-a mobile home (read to see why it's free:

-a used cat scratch post

-half a bottle of bayer asprin

if you don't belive me just look. but type net NOT com!!